Our solutions are at the cutting edge of ad technology, focusing on enhancing the user’s experience. They are ingenious, non-intrusive and compliant.

Our ads are relevant to each user. The engagement of the users is improved resulting in an optimized advertiser’s ROI and boosted revenues.

The integration of our monetization solutions is simple, giving access to exclusive offers and the most competitive payouts in the industry.

What can I monetize with Natomx solutions?
You can monetize browser extensions, toolbars, add-ons, plugins, software, games, websites and blogs.
How does it work?
A simple integration of our JS code for webmasters and SDK for developers will give you access to targeted ads. These come in different formats such as in-text/image ads, widgets, banners, pop-under, etc. …
What are the benefits to work with Natomx?
Our monetizations solutions are built to maximize your revenues without affecting the user’s interaction with the website or add-on. If you are already monetizing your website or addon, our solutions will help you generate additional revenue.
How do I become a publisher?
Create a publisher account for free by submitting the form here. After verifying your email, you will be contacted by your dedicated account manager to discuss the best solution that will match your website or add-on and your requirements.
What are the payment options?
You can choose to be paid by bank transfer, paypal and payoneer. If you prefer a different method, let us know and we’ll make it possible.
How to contact us?
You can Skype or email partners@natomx.com